If you and your lawyer decide to file a personal injury lawsuit, a deposition is one of the most important steps in the pre-trial process. Many people feel nervous about undergoing a deposition, and it is normal to wonder how well it has gone afterward. Understanding what makes a successful deposition can put you in an excellent position to ensure that your case remains strong and help you feel confident that your deposition went well.

What Is a Deposition?

personal injury lawsuit depositionA deposition is a formal interview that takes place before a civil trial. In this interview, a lawyer from the opposing party will collect facts and circumstances about your lawsuit by asking you questions related to the case. Similarly, your attorney will ask questions of the defense witnesses in a separate deposition. Each party will be questioned under oath, swearing that they will provide true and correct information to the best of their knowledge.

Before your deposition occurs, you will receive a notification about the date, time, and venue. They generally happen in a lawyer’s office or another non-court setting. Either way, the court reporter will record your answers to create an official deposition transcript after the deposition.

In general, it is impossible to know how well your deposition is going simply by attempting to read the mood or body language of the opposing attorney. However, if all of the following is true, you can feel reasonably confident that your deposition has gone well.

Read more: What Happens At A Deposition

Your Deposition Likely Went Well If…

You Were Clear about the Facts of the Accident

Before your deposition, you must ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with the basic facts and circumstances of the accident that caused your injuries. The nerves many people experience under oath can easily lead to some degree of forgetfulness. Nevertheless, if you have prepared for the deposition with your attorney beforehand, you should be in a reasonably good position to recall the necessary information. You’ll likely need to remember:

  • The date, time, and location of the accident
  • Information about equipment or automobiles involved
  • Any relevant road, weather, or safety conditions
  • Information from the police report, if applicable

Furthermore, you must be able to convey the facts and circumstances of your medical history and injury-related treatment. You should be able to clearly state the number of times you went to seek treatment or tests, the amount of money you have spent on your treatments, and the way your injuries and pain have affected your ability to live your life.

Finally, you will also need to be able to accurately provide information about your work history and the degree to which your injuries have prevented you from working and earning money.

You Told the Truth

tell the truth at your depositionWhile you don’t need to be able to recall every minute detail of the facts relating to your injuries, you must ensure that every piece of information you share is truthful. The defense attorneys will have researched you and your situation, and they will almost certainly know whether you are exaggerating or misrepresenting any facts. Erroneous or exaggerated information can only hurt your case because it will mean you will cease to be seen as credible.

Furthermore, making false representations under oath is a serious offense.

Your Personal Injury Lawyer Gave You Positive Feedback

It may comfort you to know that you can have your attorney with you during the deposition. They will have experienced multiple depositions throughout their career, and they will be able to tell you whether or not it went well. A good attorney will not hesitate to give you a frank assessment.

Contact Chris Hudson Law Group Today

Life after suffering an injury in an accident can be incredibly challenging. In addition to the pain of the injury itself, the steep medical bills, and the need to take time off work to heal, you may also be navigating a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. Having an excellent attorney is essential for making the claims process go a lot more smoothly, especially if your case is heading to court.

The experienced personal injury attorneys of Chris Hudson Law Group in Augusta, Georgia handle a wide variety of types of personal injury cases and can help you prepare for your deposition so that you feel calm and confident throughout the process. We will also fight in court to seek the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Contact us online today or call us at (706) 863-6600 for a free consultation.

Read more: What Happens After A Deposition

Last Updated : November 16, 2022